Item 1: Pyscho ( Shamley Productions, 1960, Dir. Alfred Hitchcock) The most useful thing I used in this project. It highlights all Hitchcock's famous trademarks which I wanted to really to discuss in detail. Love the genre of the film, and also has a clear relationship with the rest of his other films.
Item 2: Sixth Sense (Hollywood pictures, 1999, Dir. M. Night Shyamalan) This film was good at showing Hitchcocks most famous trademark, the Macguffin. The trademark is his most famous and without much explination it shows why I chose it to compare to Hitchcocks Pyscho. Not only that, it's also a thiller.
Item 3: 'Blow Out' (Brian De Palma, 1981, US, Film way Pictures) This is an obvious film to chose as it has so many of Hitchcock's trademarks. The director is known for being inspired by Hitchcock and therefore I thought it would be a good film to use as a comparison to my focus film Psycho.
Item 1: Pyscho ( Shamley Productions, 1960, Dir. Alfred Hitchcock) The most useful thing I used in this project. It highlights all Hitchcock's famous trademarks which I wanted to really to discuss in detail. Love the genre of the film, and also has a clear relationship with the rest of his other films.
Item 2: Sixth Sense (Hollywood pictures, 1999, Dir. M. Night Shyamalan) This film was good at showing Hitchcocks most famous trademark, the Macguffin. The trademark is his most famous and without much explination it shows why I chose it to compare to Hitchcocks Pyscho. Not only that, it's also a thiller.
Item 3: 'Blow Out' (Brian De Palma, 1981, US, Film way Pictures) This is an obvious film to chose as it has so many of Hitchcock's trademarks. The director is known for being inspired by Hitchcock and therefore I thought it would be a good film to use as a comparison to my focus film Psycho.
Item 4: The City of Dead (John Moxy, 1960, US) I chose this film as it's not got many trademarks of Hitchcock, if any. It's dull, the music is slow, the visual side of the murder scene (the burning scene) isn't all that great. Nothing has any sign of Hitchcock throughout and I wanted to use it to show that Hitchcock didn't inspire everyone.
Item 5: Halloween (john Carpenter, 1978, US, Compass International Pictures) This film was good because it has a few similar trademarks like Hitchcock, but it also does some things that are totally opposite to what Hitchcock did. Once again a great way to compare film to film to show how unique of an auteur Alfred Hitchcock is.
Item 6: 'Hitchcock on Hitchcock' (1997, Auth; Alfred Hitchcock) This was my best find. It gave me all the basic knowledge that i already had about Hitchcock, but gave a personal aspect on his work. He spoke about some of his trademarks, but not only that, he spoke about why he used the trademarks.
Item 7: "Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazines!" (Monthly release, Penny Publications) This was a god send in the fact that it helped me understand the film. It didn't give me much material to work with, but it explained the films in a different light which helped me carry on with my work. Quoted twice.
Item 8: The website is a wide ranged site full of thousands of reviews for different films. the review I read was about the film 'Blow out' but explained with detail why the film is so similar to Psycho, and has many Hitchcock trades. A good way to gain knowlegde related to other films for comparison.
Item 9:
Out of all the sites I looked at I believe this was the most inspiring and useful in terms of knowledge and material. The page I have linked it a specific interview with Hitchcock himself. He speaks in detail about all his work, what inspired him, how and why he does what he does, and gives tips on how to create brilliant work. He also speaks about the stars he has worked with and how they have had an impact on his films.
Item 10: The final website that I used was not only to give me fact, but to double check the the information I had collected was correct. I understand you can't trust everything on the internet so i chose an official site which I could rely on.
Hitchcock Net ( had some useful fan comments on what I wanted to know. However like wikipedia people can 'edit' the information themselves and I found some of the things that I was reading didn't seem to correct. It was detailed at some points but didn't go to much into the trademarks of Hitchcock which my whole problematic was based on.
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